October 1, 2011
Barry C. Silk
Theme: None
This puzzle put up a pretty good fight, but in the end I was victorious. A couple things I didn't know, a couple bad guesses, some misdirection here and there … good stuff for a Saturday.
- 5A: ___ Sea, off Siberia (KARA). Never heard of it.
- 22A: "1-2-3" singer Barry (LEN). Wow. I haven't heard this guy's name since … Barry Silk's last puzzle. :-)
- 23A: Tracker or Canyon (GMC). I tried SUV first, then thought it might be UTE, but GMC eventually appeared.
- 27A: Brand for which Garfield was once spokescat (ALPO). Okay, I laughed at myself here. I actually thought it might be RAGU.
- 30A: They fall in war films (PARATROOPS). Anyone else try PARACHUTES first?
- 55A: Deadpan features (MONOTONES).
- 2D: London's setting (ONTARIO). Ha! You can't fool me! I've seen this trick too many times!
- 20D: Hockey game clincher (EMPTY NET GOAL). I've never heard this phrase, but I'm not much of a hockey fan. Luckily, it was easy enough to piece together through crosses.
- 23D: Driving problem (GLARE). I thought this was going to be golf-related.
- 41D: Many Suffragette opponents (SEXISTS). At one point, I had penciled in a D at the end of 44A and already had the I and the ending TS in place and, even though it's obviously not the right number of letters, the first word that popped into my head was IDIOTS.
- 45D: Half a legendary bluegrass duo (FLATT).

Everything — 1A: Party leader (HOST); 5A: ___ Sea, off Siberia (KARA); 9A: Short-necked European fruit (ANJOU); 14A: Neutralizer of a sort (ANTI-TOXIN); 16A: Theater name (LOEWS); 17A: Ben Franklin, e.g. (STATESMAN); 18A: City on the Aar (BERNE); 19A: Solutions for unfair situations? (GALOSHES); 20A: Not so tough (EASIER); 21A: Modern address (URL); 22A: "1-2-3" singer Barry (LEN); 23A: Tracker or Canyon (GMC); 24A: Fifth-century date (CDI); 25A: Haberdashery item (TIE BAR); 27A: Brand for which Garfield was once spokescat (ALPO); 28A: Patricia Neal's Oscar film (HUD); 29A: Fountain output (SODA); 30A: They fall in war films (PARATROOPS); 33A: One may go over your head (HAIR DRYER); 35A: Space-saving display (FLAT SCREEN); 38A: Brothers (FRAS.); 42A: Lucy of "Kill Bill" (LIU); 43A: Body protector (SKIN); 44A: Worn out (EFFETE); 46A: Gives a thumbs-up (OK'S); 47A: Antiquity, quaintly (ELD); 48A: Old televangelism letters (PTL); 49A: Burden (TAX); 50A: Adjust at the garage, perhaps (RETUNE); 52A: Composer for whom an annual violin competition is named (PAGANINI); 54A: Nonreactive (INERT); 55A: Deadpan features (MONOTONES); 56A: Suit material (SERGE); 57A: Woman in a tree? (GREAT AUNT); 58A: Suit material (TWEED); 59A: Give away (TELL); 60A: Tablets from docs (MEDS); 1D: Shows nerve (HAS GUTS); 2D: London's setting (ONTARIO); 3D: Conked out (STALLED); 4D: One of the Jacksons (TITO); 5D: Carnegie Deli offering (KOSHER PICKLE); 6D: Dismissive sorts? (AXMEN); 7D: Narrow inlets (RIAS); 8D: "Barbara __": Beach Boys hit (ANN); 9D: White meat source (ALBACORE); 10D: Rejections (NOES); 11D: Bible's City of Palm Trees (JERICHO); 12D: Confessed (OWNED UP); 13D: They get you in (USER ID'S); 15D: Magnetic induction unit (TESLA); 20D: Hockey game clincher (EMPTY NET GOAL); 23D: Driving problem (GLARE); 26D: Currency with King Mongkut on the fifty (BAHT); 27D: "As You Like It" forest (ARDEN); 31D: Secret rival (ARRID); 32D: "O Fortuna" composer (ORFF); 34D: Agreed (ASSENTED); 35D: Wedding arranger? (FLORIST); 36D: Perfectly restored (LIKE NEW); 37D: Stark (AUSTERE); 39D: Attendants (RETINUE); 40D: Done (AT AN END); 41D: Many Suffragette opponents (SEXISTS); 45D: Half a legendary bluegrass duo (FLATT); 48D: Advisory group (PANEL); 51D: Press (URGE); 52D: Minute opening (PORE); 53D: First name in linguistics (NOAM); 55D: Co. heads (MGT.).