Friday, August 5, 2011

Things That Help You Get By

This has been my first week back at work. It's been tough leaving Jen at home, but she's had people around her all the time to keep her company. Settling back into work has had its ups and downs.

Given that it's been a fairly rough week, I felt it'd be nice to start the weekend by talking about things that friends and loved ones do for us that just make us feel loved and help give us that little bit of a boost to get through the day.

  • Friends showing up with food 
  • My parents and sister cleaning the house and stocking up our kitchen while we weren't there
  • A friend finding out we hadn't any plans and offering to come over, just to keep us company
  • A very close friend's dad being there at Conor's funeral because she couldn't
  • Someone turning to us and saying how proud they are of us, or how they look up to us for how strong we're being and how we seem to be coping
  • Friends just being there to chat online, about anything and everything
  • An old friend coming back into contact
  • A stranger commenting on a blog post about how they're thinking of us
  • Friends coming over, without any plans for what to do, and letting us just have a great night of fun and food, without any expectations
 I've noticed things like these so much more recently. How much they matter, and how blessed Jen and I are to have so many people who care so much about it. It's these things, these people, who give us the strength to carry on. I am glad to say that I have never felt more loved than I do right now, thanks to these people.

So let's get this rolling. What things, big or small, have people done that make you feel loved, or helped pick you up when you needed it?