July 3, 2011 (calendar)
Merl Reagle
Theme: "General Search" — (HOW TO PLAY: The last names of 14 famous Civil War generals are hidden in the Across answers, seven in the North part of the grid and seven in the South. The catch is that nine of them straddle a black square, like so: coB / RAGGed. the hardest one is at 84 Across. Can you find all 14? Explanation next week.)
Everything Else — 1A: Idle wanderer (VAGRANT); 8A: Dog markings (SPOTS); 13A: Double-reed woodwind (BASSOON); 20A: "The Lion in Winter" queen (ELEANOR); 21A: Mary Beth, the cop (LACEY); 22A: Sitcom family's name (RICARDO); 23A: Total bliss (NIRVANA); 24A: Theater seater (USHER); 25A: "___ from the moment I could stand" (Anna Pavlova) (I DANCED); 26A: "Don't look ___!" (AT ME); 27A: Game of forks and pins (CHESS); 29A: Mantel piece (URN); 31A: Fast approaching (NEAR); 32A: Tart quencher (LIMEADE); 35A: Flow controllers (SPIGOTS); 37A: ___ glance (AT A); 40A: ___ a one (zero) (NARY); 41A: Olympic event (DISCUS); 42A: Life insurance option (TERM); 46A: Actors Charles and James (COBURNS); 48A: Possible solution (IDEA); 50A: Pointless weapon (ÉPÉE); 52A: SE Asian language (LAO); 53A: Watergate figure Chuck (COLSON); 54A: Departs angrily (with "out") (STORMS); 56A: Mission ___, Calif. (VIEJO); 58A: School since 1440 (ETON); 59A: Commotion (STIR); 60A: Waiter for a bite (FISHERMAN); 64A: Trembled (SHOOK); 66A: Cookie Monster colleague (ERNIE); 68A: Modern way to shop (ONLINE); 69A: Phony introduction? (SYM-); 70A: Periodic table fig. (AT. NO.); 72A: Market-watching org.that missed Madoff (SEC); 74A: Awww-inspiring (CUTE); 75A: Hard/rock center (AS A); 78A: Keitel in "Pulp Fiction" (MR. WOLF); 80A: ___ broke (GO FOR); 82A: Score symbols (RESTS); 84A: Suffer (PAY DEARLY); 87A: Throws in (ADDS); 88A: Book after Joel (AMOS); 89A: Tickle (AMUSE); 90A: How some games end (IN A TIE); 93A: Triangle ratio (COSINE); 95A: Auto loan letters (APR); 96A: Cinderella's horses, before (MICE); 100A: Grand-scale tale (EPIC); 101A: They whistle while they work (KETTLES); 102A: VW precursors (R-S-T-U); 104A: Oil producer? (ARTIST); 106A: No longer straight (BENT); 107A: Correction crew: abbr. (EDS.); 108A: Fits in (BELONGS); 110A: Christmas star site (TREETOP); 113A: Air show stunt (LOOP); 115A: Juan's intro (SAN); 116A: Nest noise (CHEEP); 117A: 30 minutes, in the NFL (HALF); 121A: Takes by force (HIJACKS); 123A: Simmering, perhaps (ON LOW); 125A: Training session (SEMINAR); 128A: Uranium 238, e.g. (ISOTOPE); 129A: Shake awake (ROUSE); 130A: Put to work (UTILIZE); 131A: The sun, e.g. (DAYSTAR); 132A: Subsided (EBBED); 133A: One reentering society (PAROLEE); 1D: ___ cava (VENA); 2D: Landed on a leaf, e.g. (ALIT); 3D: It's sickening (GERM); 4D: "Bolero" composer (RAVEL); 5D: Carrier to Tokyo (ANA); 6D: Stop start? (NON-); 7D: Lost-person seekers (TRACERS); 8D: Turned on an axis (SLUED); 9D: Like 8-track tapes (PASSÉ); 10D: Folk singer Phil (OCHS); 11D: Ball elevator (TEE); 12D: IHOP assortment (SYRUPS); 13D: Mention (BRING UP); 14D: Backing (AID); 15D: Barely adequate (SCANT); 16D: Least loony (SANEST); 17D: Pacific predator (ORCA); 18D: Frankfurt's river (ODER); 19D: Sign of approval (NOD); 28D: Stable diet (HAY); 30D: Bridal shower? (RICE); 33D: Japanese cosmetics box (anagram of NOIR) (INRO); 34D: Herbie or Horace (MANN); 35D: Renamed country (SIAM); 36D: Sweet conclusion? (-OSE); 37D: Passwords provide it (ACCESS); 38D: Like some grins (TOOTHY); 39D: In full flower (ABLOOM); 41D: Austrian article (DER); 43D: Kind of sch. (ELEM.); 44D: Indian prince (RAJA); 45D: Orb in werewolf films (MOON); 47D: "You leave ___ alternative" (US NO); 48D: Take ___ stride (IT IN); 49D: Day at the movies (DORIS); 51D: More balanced (EVENER); 54D: Leisurely walk (STROLL); 55D: Airport near SJC and OAK (SFO); 57D: Anger (IRE); 59D: Hombre's address (SEÑOR); 61D: Like secret messages (IN CODE); 62D: Sheet music arcs (SLURS); 63D: Single or double (HIT); 65D: Magic teammate, once (KAREEM); 67D: Brain scan, briefly (EEG); 71D: Defunct carrier (TWA); 73D: Raccoon cousin (COATI); 75D: "Service with ___" (A SMILE); 78D: High (STONED); 77D: Evaluate (ASSESS); 78D: Rx writers (MD'S); 79D: Memo opener (FYI); 81D: Bank acct. protector (FDIC); 83D: It's right on the map, usually (EAST); 84D: Early late-night host (PAAR); 85D: Fender products (AMPS); 86D: Mongolian tent (YURT); 91D: Capone's nemesis (NESS); 92D: Fitting (APT); 93D: Bit of money (CENT); 94D: Director Preminger (OTTO); 97D: Different ending? (-IAL); 98D: Down word, perhaps (CROSSER); 99D: Sicilian smoker (ETNA); 101D: Maintains (KEEPS UP); 103D: Wolf pack units (U-BOATS); 105D: Don't listen to (IGNORE); 106D: Busy buzzer (BEE); 109D: Magic Kingdom neighbor (EPCOT); 110D: Yonder ones (THOSE); 111D: Marry again (REWED); 112D: Fictional gumshoe Vance (PHILO); 113D: Brainy cartoon sister (LISA); 114D: Hymn exclamation (O JOY); 116D: Dues-paying group (CLUB); 118D: Indigo dye source (ANIL); 119D: Lounge (about) (LAZE); 120D: Unattached (FREE); 121D: Went underground (HID); 122D: Kim Jong-il's military force: abbr. (KPA); 124D: Fat cat, in London (NOB); 126D: 55 Down posting (ETA); 127D: Fallen space station (MIR).