Friday, December 24, 2010

Interesting Facts About Girls -True untold truth about girls that every boy wants to know

Here are some very interesting untold Facts About Girls that must be known by every guy

20 Interesting Facts About Girls

1. If you like a girl, try making friends with her first. Let her get to know you.
2. Hearing the words “I love you” is a great reassurance to a girl that she is beautiful.
3. A girl’s ex-crush will always be in her memory, but the guy she loves now stays in her heart.
4. When a girl says she’s sad, but she isn’t crying, it means she’s crying in her heart.
5. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind every minute of the day, even though she flirts with other guys.
6. Don’t try to guess a girl’s feelings. Ask her.
7. Never tell a girl that she is useless in anyway.
8. When class pictures come out, a girl would first check who is standing next to her crush before actually looking at herself.
9. A girl who stays at home knows much more than a guy who is hanging out most of the day.