Kalpana Baidi is outsource consultant from Bangalore, India. Kalpana is working in an Indian software development company, her job is to as a consultant with clients from North America and Europe. Kalpana is one of the many Indian youth those are working in a booming IT industry.
BPO and KPO. They may mean nothing to millions of people, but to thousands of businesses, they mean saving big money by outsourcing. BPO stands fro Business Process Outsourcing, and KPO for Knowledge Process Outsourcing. The difference between then is in the type of work being outsourced.
Business Process Outsourcing is the outsourcing of jobs related to customer service, like call center voice communications, and telemarketing. Knowledge Process Outsourcing is the outsourcing of IT processes which require outsourcing consultants with specific technological backgrounds. These outsourcing consultants must be able to handle complex informational transactions like legal research, insurance claims, and patent searches.
Many companies turn to outsourcing consultants to provide them with the intellectual and informational resources they lack, and for a fraction of the cost it would take to hire staff with comparable abilities. The cost of labor in developed nations continues to climb, and many companies are doing whatever they can to maintain their profit margins.
So outsourcing consultants for important work is becoming more and more common, and there are companies which give most or all of their intellectual work to outsource consultant providers in India.