this are some cheap handmade bags we offer for those who interested in it.the price was only around 20-25.000 rps or around 2-2.5US dollars.just contact me on my email : meenoestigma@gmail.com.cheers
after the last part,i dont feel like continuing the story in my life concerning my work in fashion. the things were just up and down,sometimes drove me to the corner and drowned me deeper.some people held a grudge againts me for some of the reasons that i didn't understand why.i tried to do something or help but in the end,they took it in wrong impression.too difficult to continue since many things in life that i prefer to keep it only in my memories.
actually my mind is kinda stucked somewhere,cause lately somehow i feel like im losing it, i feel extremely bored with all this.i really need to refresh my mind and take some vacation somewhere quiet and beautiful.the first thing that come to my mind is beach.the sound of the sea somehow never failed to amaze me,everytime i sat there in the sand,as if the wind just blows there and take my burden away from my shoulder.
so,fashion is indeed one part of my life that would never change.i lived with it,from it for almost 12years now.what the future will bring i will never know.i only try to make the best of it each day as long as my live.cheers! ganbatte kudasai
these two were my designs from few years ago.although one of them has been added with some ornament from wool.the material was from cotton poplin or baby canvas.